Club Rules
Rules for everyone
Parents should become familiar with the club rules and relevant policies. Below is a summary for quick reference. For more information see our Policies and our Codes of Conduct, available on the CLUB POLICIES page.
Don't forget to check out the DRESS CODE
Our Rules are in place for the safety and happiness of the gymnasts, as well as the smooth running of all classes (which of course benefits the children as well).
Most important rules for Gymnasts:
Always listen carefully to your coaches and do only the things they tell you to do
Never go on the equipment until your coach tells you to do so
Follow the
& remove your jewellery before class
Try your best but don’t worry if you don't get it right the first time!
Be kind and respectful to others
Most important rules for Parents:
Arrive on time and wait with your child until the class is called in. ARRIVE NO MORE THAN 5 MINUTES BEFORE THE CLASS TIME
Ensure that children are dressed appropriately for class and
jewellery is removed
Do not bring in a child who is unwell
Ensure your contact details and other information is kept up to date on GymNet and ParentMail
Pick up your child directly from the hall at the end of the class.
Parents of under 5's should watch the class from one of the viewing areas
(if children need the toilet they will be allowed to go so you may need to be there to take them)
Please note:
The open area upstairs (outside the squash courts) is NOT a viewing gallery and we are not permitted to encourage people to watch from there. It can also be quite distracting for the children when people watch from this area.
Gymnasts attending the final session of the evening (finishing at 7pm or later) are usually expected to help roll mats before being dismissed. This is the only way we are able to run classes at this time as we need to fulfil our obligations to the sports centre by de-rigging by a certain time. If you cannot spare the 5 or so minutes for your gymnast to help or if they need to leave earlier please make sure you email us so that we can let the coaches know.
Photography and video from the balcony or corridor viewing areas are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Please refer to our
on this website for more details.
Parents should also look at the Club Policies page for more details.
Gymnasts may only bring into the hall the things they need for class. We recommend these are brought in a simple, lightweight drawstring bag:
Drink in a sealed bottle
Hand Sanitiser (helpful if this is clipped on the outside of the bag)
Any medication they may need (please ensure you inform us in advance if they are bringing medication with them)
Their shoes and any other clothing they cannot hand off to you at drop-off
Please encourage your child to use the toilet and wash their hands before class to reduce the need for them to leave the hall during class. This is especially important for the youngest children.
Please make sure ALL jewellery is removed and hair is securely tied back BEFORE entering for class.
NOTE ON EARRINGS: We have had a number of children attending wearing earrings in the previous term - this is NOT allowed and it invalidates insurance. Stud earrings that cannot be removed must be covered before coming into class (this should be done by the parent or child themselves). Any other type of earrings (large studs, hoops or other dangly type) present a real Health and Safety risk to your child during gymnastics activity and are strictly NOT ALLOWED.
COVID & OTHER COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: Along with the Club Rules please be aware of the following measures which we are maintaining in order to minimise the risk of spreading communicable diseases at AGC…
Parents & Members
Please adhere to any government guidance regarding track and trace and isolation if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.
In addition to point 1, whatever the general guidelines are, we respectfully request that you do not bring your child if a member of your household has tested positive for covid-19. They should stay away from class for the 7 day period following the positive test or onset of symptoms or until they are well enough to participate. You should ensure that the child tests negative prior to returning to class.
Please follow NHS advice regarding any other contagious illness.
Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before the start of your class. Arriving too early can cause congestion in the corridor.
Please continue to observe sensible social distancing whilst waiting in the corridor before class..
To reduce congestion in the corridor, parents/gymnasts should stand on the right hand side if they are waiting to come into class and on the left hand side if collecting children from class.
Please do not congregate in the corridor during classes. Whilst we understand that you may want to watch some of the class, there may not be the space for every parent to safely watch the whole class every week, please just try to be aware of this and exercise sensible judgement, sensitivity to parents with the youngest children and ensure that members who are dropping off and picking up are able to get to where they need to be for their child. You can also watch the class from the viewing window upstairs.
PUNCTUALITY… Coaches reserve the right to refuse admittance to children arriving late on grounds of reasonably safety. The first few minutes of each class are spent on activities which warm the children up. This is followed by loosening and stretching ready for gymnastics.
It is the clubs strict policy NOT to allow participation of gymnasts who arrive after the warm up has ended, whatever the reason. Allowing a child to participate without having a suitable warm up contravenes British Gymnastics Policy and therefore renders the clubs and the individuals insurance invalid.
Where appropriate we will allow a late gymnast to join in with another class for warm up if one is about to begin. IF you are running very late, we strongly advise you come in with your child to ensure he/she can participate, rather than just dropping him/her off.
Although it may be distressing for your child to miss class when things go wrong, it is more distressing to be dropped off and not be able to participate.
TOILET TRIPS… We cannot accompany children to the toilet, but will allow them to go if needed. If you are not happy for your child to visit the toilet alone a parent MUST be close by in case they need to go.
We prefer that gymnasts do not leave the hall and particularly during the first 15 minutes of the class. Generally, gymnasts will not be allowed to leave the hall during warm up unless the need is urgent. It would be helpful if parents could help support us in this by encouraging children to use the toilet before class begins.
(We do understand that with the younger children, accidents will happen and we have a policy of not making an issue of it when it does)
Before embarking on the Competitive & Performance pathway (including Development) parents are requested to read any information relevant to the specific squad or discipline as well as being familiar with Club Rules and Policies. You should also read the Competitive Pathway Guidelines & Rules and links should be sent to you when you are offered a trial or a place in the Squad. If you are not directed and cannot find what you are looking for, please feel free to ask.