‘NDP’ stands for National Development Plan.
Acrobatic Gymnasts compete in Pairs or Groups on Floor to music performing impressive balances and daring dynamic elements as well as individual skills as part of the routine. There are different pathways on the National Development Plan, each requiring differing levels of commitment. At Alton the Acrobatics Squad generally begins at National Grade 3 or 4. On all pathways, Acrobatic Gymnastics requires gymnasts to work well with others and commit to the common good of the partnership. Acrobatics is open to both Boys and Girls.
Minimum age for first Competition*: 9 in the year
*minimum age for entry to NDP events at National level is 9 - gymnasts may compete earlier for experience at other events, including Generic Grade 6 & 5 (within the Development Program).
Acrobatic Gymnasts may also work toward Club or National Grades in Tumbling.
Acrobatic Training at Alton
Acrobatic Squad Training Hours: Up to 12 hours per week (over 3 sessions)
Entry Requirements for Acrobatic Squad (Pairs & Groups)
There are specific elements required for entry into the Acrobatic Squad which are set in line with the demands of the discipline and may be dependant on the level of current members however, the below is a guide to the basic requirements that would need to be fulfilled before being considered for a trial period...
At age 8, 9 or 10:
Completed minimum of 18 months in one of our Development program
Passed Club (Generic) Grade 5 in the Women’s Artistic Development Program OR NDP Regional Grade 3 in the Acrobatics Development Program.
Assessment for suitability for Acrobatic Gymnastics which includes assessment of skills needed for NDP Grade 4, flexibility, strength, quality of shaping, understanding of performance and coachability.
Demonstrated ability to work ‘on task’ and follow programs set by the coach and work well with group members of different ages
At the time of entry, can be paired to work in a suitable Pair or Trio toward Regional Level competitions.
At age 11 or above:
Coming from another club with experience in Artistic, Acrobatic or Tumbling Gymnastics
Passed Regional Grade 4 in Women’s Artistic (competiton outside of the club) OR NDP Regional Grade 3 in Acrobatics
Assessment for suitability for Acrobatic Gymnastics which includes assessment of skills needed for NDP Grade 3 flexibility, strength, quality of shaping, understanding of performance and coachability… the assessment will be for either Top or Base work depending on morphology.
Demonstrated ability to work ‘on task’ and follow programs set by the coach and work well with group members of different ages
At the time of entry, can be paired to work in a suitable Pair or Trio toward National Level competitions.
Click here for more about Acrobatic Gymnastics (from British Gymnastics)